The Wild Grass for Minecraft 1.20.5, 1.19.4, 1.18.2, 1.17.1

wildgrass modThe Wild Grass Mod for Minecraft enables you to grow the grass on the preexisted grass in the Minecraft. But when it grows it starts spreading itself automatically on the nearer blocks but it won’t grow larger than its predefined value set by the plater. So in that case its much easier to hide something beneath that grass. Looks tricky but check it yourself.

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Dokucraft Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.20.5, 1.19.4, 1.18.2, 1.17.1

Dokucraft Resource Pack for Minecraft

DOKUCRAFT, THE SAGA CONTINUES Texture Pack for Minecraft with the resolutions details of (32X,16X). The Dokucraft Texture pack is a custom handpicked texture pack for Minecraft which helps to make the texture quality better during the game. Currently this pack has two resolutions which are 32x and 16x. It has several features which associate with a great deal to make the player’s interest in the game. (more…)

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