Zombe’s ModPack for Minecraft is a great mod for Minecraft fans. The Zombe’s Mod Pack is developed by Tanzanite and Hes the main creator of this mod. The Zombe’s Mod Pack features 29+ useful mods for daily crafting. By using it, you can adjust icons, weather, spawn units, boom, cart chest and much more. That’s why it is called the Swiss army knife of mods.
Description: A custom mod for Minecraft.
Author: Tanzanite / ZombesModpack
Release date: 11th June, 2020
Filesize: 500~ KB
Compatible: Windows, Mac and Linux
Version: v.1.8.9
Download Zombe’s Modpack for Minecraft:
For 1.6.2: zombe’s_modpack-v8.2.2_MC.1.6.2.zip (385.86 KB)
For 1.6.1: zombe’s_modpack-v8.1.2_MC.1.6.1.zip (385.44 KB)
Last Updated on 11th July 2013
You can read installation instructions and details in readme.txt inside zip file of pack.
- Compatibility: updated for Minecraft
- Death mod rewritten and 100% working again
- Dig mod partly rewritten and 40% working again
- Build mod partly rewritten and 50% working again
- bugfixes
Zombe’s ModPack Known issues/todo:
- Boom, Cart, Craft, Furnace, Resize and Spawn mods not working (currently absent from the modpack)
- Readme page seriously needs serious updating
- Chest/icon mods do not work right
- Forge compatibility
Single Player Options:
Boom, Build, Card, Layer, Chest, Death, Dig, Furnace, Growth, Item, Icon, Ore, Recipe, Resize, Spawn Teleport, WeatherMultiplayer Options:
Cheat, Cloud, Compass, Craft, Fly, Info, Path, Sun, Safe, Field
So guys have fun playing Minecraft and keep coming here to check the latest updates of your favorite game online. Also, Check the readme files inside the zip file for installation guide/instructions of Zombes Modpack.